CARROT CAKE REVIEW 23 - The Golden Rules of Carrot Cake.
Perhaps I've erroneously assumed you all knew what The Golden Rules of Carrot Cake are. So I've decided to publish them. Here they all are then,the twelve guideline rules. Those things to look out for and be avoided by those who make carrot cakes and those who eat them. Never have to consume a malformed, unpleasant carrot cake ever again. You can no longer make the excuse that you did not know! Learn them or have your taste buds abused. Golden Rule of Carrot Cake No 1 A spice cake is not a carrot cake. This is blindingly obvious, but I have stomached this sort of fart inducing cake far far too many times. Grating a solitary carrot into a basic sponge mix, then trying to disguise the paltry amount of an essential carrot cake ingredient, by throwing in a whole sack load of mixed spice. This should fool no one of anyone discernment. It's not as if carrots are a rare and expensive root vegetable, they are not bleeding saffron! A bald man wearing a mismatched toupee only attra...